In the religion of modern medicine, the rite of vivisection is central. In the past, cats
were crucified for the sake of "scientific curiosity." Pregnant bitches disembowled to
observe the maternal instinct in the throes of pain. Experimenters in an American university
cause convulsions in dogs and cats, to study their brain waves during the seizures, which
gradually become more frequent and severe until the animals are in a state of continual seizure,
which leads to their deaths in three to five hours. The experimenters then supply charts of
the brain waves in question, but have no idea how they could be put to practical use.
In this age of 'advanced' research, animals are crucified under the flag of cancer research-which
has not yet yielded any cures, but a host of techniques for infecting animals with cancers
they don't normally get. Induced cancer is obviously not the same as cancer we get. This
is proof that the only rodent for human disease test is a human. Proof that infecting animals
with cancer is a radical fraud that has no scientific validity.
Imagine being buried alive... in a cramped, dirty place. Suddenly, a light is seen and a white-robed
devil stabs are you with a syringe in an attempt to watch as cencer eats you alive.
Such is the so-called 'humane' treatment of animals. They involve 'no pain but a mere pin-prick'.
Imagine the experiments that 'require' pain. Such as 'behavioral' research.
rats and mice are sacrified for so-called 'safety-testing' of drugs. This is
ignorance, because the drug will be found safe for mice, not humans. The consumers
are the real test subjects.
Animal experimentation is morally wrong, and medically misleading-it is a brutal torture which harms animals and humans which thus should not be allowed to continue.
Abolish animal research/vivisection! Show mercy to the animals mutilated and driven insane
by the means of so-called "scientific curiosities". Abolish the medical fraud that condones
animal suffering and sadism, performed only to fulfill the petty needs of mankind. But what
may not kill an animal may kill a human.
Motivated by the money and having the disdain for human and animal health alike, the disease
of vivisection has created an iatrogenic plague that not only goes unnoticed, but is praised
for its "cures" (harms) that it creates. "Abuse and cruelty to animals goes on behind closed
doors, fueling the economic needs of the commercialized biomedical giant."1 Animal
"research" is "...a medical fraud in that it has not helped humanity, nor has it helped animals."2
Every year, the millions of animals killed yield no miracle cures for cancer, or the other diseases
that strike fear and hysteria in the hearts of people everywhere. Perhaps if this practice
is stopped now, the escalation of harms to humanity will falter.
"In the Religion of Modern Medicine, the rite of vivisection is central."3 In the
past, cats were crucified for the sake of "scientific curiosity". "Pregnant bitches disembowled
to observe the maternal instinct in the throes of pain."4 "Experimenters in an
American university cause convulsions in dogs and cats, to study their brain waves during
the seizures, which gradually become more frequent and severe until the animals are in a state of constant
seizure that leads to their deaths in three to five hours; the experimenters then supply
several charts of the brain waves in question, but no idea how they could be put to practical
use."5 Today this tradition is continued--but in this age of "advanced research",
animals are crucified under the flag of cancer and disease research--which has not yet yielded
any cures, but a host of techniques for infecting animals with cancers and diseases they would
not normally get. Induced cancer is obviously not the same kind of cancer that humans get
from their genetic background and environment (appendix fig.1). An experiment was performed at the Sloan-Kettering
Institute where cancerous cells have been injected into human patients. Within two to three
weeks, the healthy patients rejected the cancerous cells, proving that cancer research on animals
is a fraud. Despite all of this "research" leading to "progress" in chemotherapy and radiation,
in the U.S. more women between the ages of 30 to 34 die of cancer than from any other cause.
Mortality from breast cancer remains unchanged since the 1950's, rather, it is growing. This is
proof that the only "model for human disease is a human."6 A dog or a cat or a guinea pig
or a goat is not human, and thus proves that vivisection has no scientific validity. However,
the supporters of this systematic slaughter of life--life capable of emotion--back up their
so called "findings" and "benefits" to humanity by providing the number of animals killed and
the results (appendix fig.2). Upon examination, no results are seen. No cures for cancer, no cures
for Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease. The only benefit seen is "research" (meaning: no results,
lots of money, lots of mass graves for animals). The word "studies" is also seen "studies of..."
The question raised is how can a human disease, in this case Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease,
be "studied" on primates? Even primates, to whom we are very genetically similar, do not get human
diseases. Our primate cousins may ingest strychnine without harm, while it is deadly to a human.
In that table, it shows that 12-15 million rodents were sacrified for safety testing of new
drugs. In many cases, this safety testing harms humans, since the drug is found to be safe for rats.
We are not rats. The perfect illustration of the harm to human health cased by this safety
testing is the infamous Thalidomide Disaster. After years of testing, thalidomide was deemed the
safest possible sedative for pregnant women, the researchers having found no side effects in
their test animals. How wonderful! A sedative for rats! However, when used on humans,
it produced numerous birth defects. Animal experimentation was responsible for one of the largest
disasters in medical history. Another mistake made by vivisection is the discovery of anesthesia. The
experimenters observed that chloroform cuased manic excitement in dogs, and thus denounced it
as a sedative, setting back medical advancement for years. The ancient and lengthy cure for
a damaged liver (diet) gives way to little liver pills, which are likely to cause more disorders than they
cure--but that's good news for our vivisector friends! Now they can make more money by making drugs
for those pesky iatrogenic disorders, and so on.
A miracle cure was found by vivisection that seemingly made up for its cruelty-antibiotics.
Unfortunately "this has created, and is still creating stronger bacteria and weaker humans"7--an
iatrogenic plague which no one has tried to stop because of the economic gains for the industry. The use of
laboratory animals to study the biological "mechanisms" of the major diseases that afflict human
form, on the basis of profitable interventive, rather than preventive medicine--"because of the
primary focus of such research, the primary focus of such research, the primary beneficiary
is not humanity"8, but our money-grubbing friends in the biomedical industry. The
cancer treatment of chemotherapy, much of which is based on animal research, is not proving
effective in treating most forms of cancer, even though an estimated 200,000 rae subjected
to it and it's iatrogenic and sometimes fatal effects.
"A dog or your baby?" This question seems to stop any individuals from questioning man's brutality.
This is a stupid question. The answer is that neither has to be killed, because of the many
alternative available, which are cheaper and will lessen the margin of error such as: clinical
observation and computerized fell experimentation. If vivisection is as morally right as it's
pratitioners claim it to be, then why is it done behind closed doors?